Catacombs manages to produce a haunting obelisk of funeral doom the likes of which we surface dwellers have never seen. While yes, this record is a few years old it's also one of the most ambitious pieces of doom metal to date. Many artists try to use Lovecraftian themes in their music and VERY (and I mean VERY, VERY few) can actually pull off anything that would hold a candle to the original subject matter. This however is a shining example of how metal bands should approach the subject. Not only does Catacombs produce some sub-atomic low-end for this record, there's also the presence of simultaneously eerie leads floating through this record like interstellar dust in the cosmic sea. The vocals are so mind-bogglingly low that the only way I can fully try to understand how they're produced is that the dude found a way to use his intestines as false vocal chords. The songs create a very heavy-handed atmosphere that pulls you in with their suffocating gravity, very reminiscent of being dragged to the briny deep. Did I mention the lyrics are just as beautiful as they are bone-chilling? That's write, the songwriting here is top notch right down to the flawless execution of the vocals, their delivery and their message.
This record is so damn expansive that you have to download it in two parts. Enjoy.
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