Now I understand black metal isn't for everyone, neither is ambient music; the two put together seem to be the bane of a great deal of casual listeners along with 10 minute plus songs. Oddly enough, I am thankful for that; something this special shouldn't be wasted on the casual listener looking for cheap thrills. This album is a great example of black metal being inventive. Adding subtle doses of crust punk, shoegaze, drone, ambient and even some post-rock here and there, Wolves in The Throne Room managed to create on of the most unique metal records of the past decade. Not only is its euphoric atmosphere strengthened from previous releases but the addition of keyboards and bass adds such depth to these compositions that you can almost feel the wind biting your face as the wall of guitars comes down like fierce winter gales, the earth bass throbbing beneath your feet as the snowy keyboards pile around your collapsed body. Turn on this record, turn off the lights, light some candles and get ready for a musical journey through the Cascade Mountains. Also, please purchase this record if you have the chance. Not only does it go to support a monumental band but it also goes on to support Southern Lord; one of the best labels in history.
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