Whether you manage bands around here or just want a good place to book for your band, this is a comprehensive guide of all of the venues that I've had a lengthy experience with.
The Factory in Rochester (RIP) - Great small venue, amazing people working the joint and a truly remarkable place to play when it was still around.
The Static Age in Romeo (Soon to RIP) - While there may be a negative stigma attached to this place due to it being a safe-haven for deathcore weenies and tuff guy hxc it has its charm. The Static is definitely a huge part of the local canon where I'm from and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way. The dudes that ran/run this place had their hearts in the right place and that's all that matters. Be sure to catch their last round of shows this February.
The Hayloft in Mt. Clemens - This place fucking sucks the fat one. Their sound engineers are amateurish at best and couldn't get a clear sound out of their massive sound system if they had stuck to factory presets. Let's not mention their inability to put together a decent bill to save their life. Having a pop-punk band playing before a tech death band is moronic. Avoid this place UNLESS you're booking a show with a bunch of other bands that you know.
The Shelter in Detroit- Awesome experience. Great sound dudes. If you get a chance to play here, do it.
The District in Lake Orion - Fuck 'em. Easily one of the worst venues in the entire state. Run by Christy bastards who won't book you unless you have Pro-Shot promo pics and a professionally produced demo to give them. On the odd chance that they DON'T ask for that be prepared to "rock out" with the likes of Jesus is My Buddy and Christ Died For My Skinny Jeans.
Oade's Hidden Camel in Lansing- Awesome place to book if you're serious about playing with REAL metal bands or heavy hittin' rockers. Definitely a treat to play here.
Mac's Bar in Lansing- Need I say more? There's a reason that this place has such a great reputation among Lansing musicians.
The Blackened Moon in Lansing- Really awesome small venue for all of you REALLY heavy bands out there looking to play to an open minded audience.
The Magic Stick in Detroit - Absolutely legendary. The dudes here will help any metal band worth their stuff open for a band with a like-minded audience. Probably the BEST venue in the state. Did I mention the pizzeria and bowling? Yeah that's right; bowling, pizza and metal.
REMINDER: This is a guide that should be considered by hardworking metal/rock/anything else bands. If you're in some HxC tuff guy band you should stick to where you're playing so you don't fuck up any more of Michigan's lovely hidden gems.